Nirmala Convent School is a futuristic school located in the picturesque and serene verdant of Keonjhar. Our mission at NCS is to nurture children, make them enlightened individuals who are intrepidly articulate, compassionate and humane. We yearn to achieve distinction in all areas of endeavour, have respect for all forms of authority and for fellow students and have consideration of the less fortunate. As we move towards the golden jubilee, we strive to make a determined commitment to present the school's heritage, that is vital link to our cultural, educational, aesthetic and inspirational legacies- all the key ingredients that make us what we are. We shall live up to our school motto-"LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE". I thank the Lord Almighty for being our shield. Indeed the Almighty has blessed me manifold and I pray that I may be able to share this blessing with each and every child of Nirmala Convent School. Exploring new horizons, finding new dimensions in growth, we continue to do our best. As we head towards our golden jubilee, our days at Nirmala will be beyond doubt, more exhilarating, challenging and thought - provoking. As we get ready to enter the golden era, we welcome new trysts, new questions, new problems, new solutions and new heights. The learning, the evolving and the effort will never cease. Nirmala hopes to set the effort will never cease. Nirmala hopes to set higher water marks of academic accomplishments. I am thankful to all the parents for reposing their unparalled trust in us which peoples us to march ahead with greater commitment and enthusiasm. "God is our refuge and strength, and ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and mountains quake with their surging "- Psalm 46: 1-3.